If you enjoyed Isabel Allende’s sensuous, feminine, magical style and her romantic plots, you will surely be delighted
by Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate. Esquivel shares with Allende the ability to capture intense and
passionate emotions in beautifully simple words. Like Water for Chocolate is also tinged with beautifully impossible
magical realism.
For those who like “milder” magical realism, and would enjoy a more complex and rich style, Nobel prize Gabriel
García Márquez and Miguel Ángel Asturias would be perfect. One of the most acclaimed and celebrated Latin American writers,
the Colombian Márquez explores Latin American culture and politics with witty irony. He is also considered the most prominent
author in magical realism. Miguel Ángel Asturias, the only Guatemalan Literature Nobel Prize, has a much more complex style,
and a more brutal critique to Guatemalan society.
Allende, Julia Alvarez explores emigration and feminism with a delightfully simple style. Other authors you might be interested
in include Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar and Juan Rulfo.