Isabel Allende
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Authors influenced by Isabel Allende

When The House of the Spirits was first published, many critics harshly criticized the similarity of the novel with Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Unsurprisingly, Allende was not very pleased with the comparison, since she claims her work was inspired by the history of her family and her country, sharply enhanced by her imagination. Nonetheless, Allende has a long line of predecessors in Latin American literature, and more specifically, the magical realism movement. The fact that she is such a recent writer makes it more likely for her to be influenced by other authors, rather than the other way around. Yet her voice has been so strong it has already touched other current authors.

The Chinese American writer  Amy Tan is among these. When including Allende among the authors she ´loves`, Tan added “I am inspired by any voice that is strong and unique. “. Her voice has been distinctive in her clear yet subtle exposure of political and social criticism. Allende’s underlying feminism is perhaps one of the most notorious common traits with Amy Tan, since they were both brought up in chauvinistic cultures which encourage the submission of the female. Also, most of Allende’s works discuss emigration and the feelings of inadequacy and nostalgia experienced by the foreigners. Both women have strong, deep-rooted cultures which occasionally clash with American standards. Amy Tan also said “But with a writer with a truly remarkable voice, you see their life unfold before you. You are experiencing that life, those emotions, the hopes and losses.” Both writers have adopted a style which intensifies the experiences of everyday life.

In the more commercial and entertaining literature, Allende’s Zorro has recently inspired Young Zorro: The Iron Brand, by Diego Vega. Allende’s The House of the Spirits also had its impact in the cinematic industry, resulting in the movie with the same title, directed by Wille August. The novel vaguely inspired the movie, as both plots differ enormously, yet the movie by itself is an excellent production.